Operator Certification
The State Water Board, Office of Operator Certification announced on 2/24 computer based testing has begun. First, they’re going to clear the backlog of approved applicants from 2020 in phases:
- Candidates who were scheduled for the Spring 2020 examination, will be provided scheduling opportunities first
Followed by candidates who applied for and were scheduled for the Fall 2020 exams
- Followed by approved applicants that submitted applications after the fall examination deadlines, up though the present
You’ll go to a local Prometric testing center and take your exam on a computer, similar to the exam process used for CWEA certification exams. (photo by Prometric, used with permission)
You may also like: State Water Board Wastewater Operator webpage | Prometric Website
Most recently, the Office of Operator Certification (OOC) has made significant changes to the program! Here are just a few program highlights: Reorganization Beginning January 2023, the OOC began the implementation phase of its reorganization to optimize resources and improve processes, workflow, and operational efficiency by balancing staffing resources and realigning workload by functionality as...
CWEA asked if the State Water Board’s Office of Operator Certification could share the publicly available pass/fail rates for the computerized certification exams, and they have graciously provided the data. How are California’s wastewater operators doing on their exams? The OOC reports, “The 6-month comparison of CBT pass/fail rates is consistent with historical average passing...
Join CWEA members Kody Tompkins and Louis Sun on the State Water Board’s Wastewater Operator Advisory Committee. Details from the State Water Board… The Wastewater Operator Certification Program (WWOCP) Advisory Committee has openings for the following positions: Wastewater Treatment Plant Operator Representative – Persons from statewide organizations representing municipalities, including counties or private utility wastewater...
Perhaps more than anyone else in the clean water profession, Dan Cortinovis, P.E., has been directly affected by the passage of the Clean Water Act. His tenure in our industry dates back to 1967 when he was trained by the U.S. Air Force to operate the treatment plant at the air base in Merced where...
Here’s a summary infographic designed by CWEA explaining how to qualify, apply and navigate the State Water Board’s new computer based testing process. For more details be sure to visit the SWRCB Office of Operator Certification website. Please don’t contact CWEA Member Services as we are not involved in administering the operator certification exam in...
Current Status Updated 2/24/21 from State Water Board announcement All examinees approved and scheduled for the Spring or Fall 2020 Drinking Water Distribution (D1-D5), Drinking Water Treatment (T1-T4) or Wastewater Operator (I-V) Certification examinations will be approved to schedule a testing opportunity for Operator Certification CBT. Due to the backlog of candidates awaiting testing, the...
Who is providing the computer-based testing? Prometric is partnering with the State Water Resources Control Board to provide computer-based Operator Certification testing for the Drinking Water Treatment (T1-T4),Drinking Water Distribution (D1-D5) and Wastewater Treatment (I-V) examinations. I already applied in 2020, will I have to reapply? If you already applied for an exam in the...
The pandemic caused the State Water Board to suspend their certification exams for drinking water and wastewater operators, and both the spring and fall exam cycles in 2020 were cancelled. The exams are typically held in large conference facilities and meeting rooms, with some locations attracting hundreds of attendees. The State’s Office of Operator Certification...
We’re honored to welcome managers from the California State Water Board Office of Operator Certification (OOC) to an informative webinar for water professionals and utility leaders focused on the State’s drinking water distribution, treatment and wastewater treatment operator exams. About the speakers Annette Caraway, Chief of the Office of Operator Certification. Ms. Caraway has dedicated...
From the State Water Board, Office of Operator Certification… To All Interested Parties: As a result of the Coronavirus (COVID-19) emergency, and the guidance released by Governor Newsom to limit gatherings to 10 people or less while social distancing, the Fall 2020 Wastewater Operator Certification Examination has been cancelled. The State Water Resources Control Board understands...
Message below from the State Water Board’s Office of Operator Certification. Note, emergency requests might be prioritized based on impacts to the treatment plant or distribution system more so than the impact on the individual seeking certification. Detailed requests from Chief Plant Operators describing the plant emergency and need for certified operators might help the...
In recent year’s the State Water Board’s Office of Operator Certification (OOC) has built a financial budget surplus from the collection of wastewater operator certification fees. The OOC has now taken steps to reduce certification exam and renewal fees so their financial surplus will be eliminated over the next 5 years. On November 16th...