Be a Champion for the Next Generation 

Dr. Susan G. Weinberger , Announcements

CWEA is proud to launch it’s first mentoring program for members. The concept is quite simple: match skilled mentors with excited mentees, and build a stronger, more welcoming wastewater community.

Mentors provide guidance, support and career direction, drawing upon their own life experiences. The good news is the benefits of mentoring are bi-directional— both mentors and mentees will get a lot out of the experience.

Why do we need mentors in our personal and professional life? Think of those individuals when you were growing up, at home, in the community, at school and throughout your career. I’ll bet people who always encouraged you, served as a role model, and took the time to care about you come to mind.

In fact, I imagine you can identify several people who made a difference in your life. Some are probably informal relationships, like a high school teacher or coach or a member of your own family. Others may be more formal such as a coworker who offers to help you at work.

I wouldn’t be where I am today without these incredible people.  If you haven’t reached out and said thank you, I hope you’ll find time to do so soon.

Launching CWEA’s Program

As we researched a CWEA Mentoring Program, we wondered about the level of interest. Our team conducted a series of interviews and talked with so many wonderful members. We were overwhelmed by the enthusiasm. There was unanimous support from members to launch a program, with one survey showing 100% agreement a mentoring program is a “great idea.”

Several members recalled their own mentors during the interviews. There was the supervisor who took a member under her wing and taught her so much. Another talked about his mentor whom he’s still in touch 25 years later.

“I had a mentor who was tough, but she was just what I needed at that time in my life,” said another.

The range of people identified as mentors was diverse; from the operator at a wastewater facility to a father-in-law. CWEA members recounted remarkable stories of guidance, support, and friendship.

American writer J. M. Laurence said, “It’s not what we have in life, but who we have in our life that counts.”

In my own life, I have participated as both a mentee and a mentor and in every case my life was enriched.

I hope you’ll consider joining us and help us champion the next, great generation of California wastewater professionals.

Have a mentoring question? I’m here to help, please email me [email protected].

Dr. Susan G. Weinberger, aka Dr. Mentor, is President, Mentor Consulting Group (MCG) in Norwalk, CT. MCG is assisting CWEA in designing and implementing a high-quality, effective, and sustainable mentoring program for its members.






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