Sacramento’s Grant High School Drumline starts off AC24 opening session with a bang. They were a huge hit! (CWEA video by Amy Lai)

2024 CWEA Annual Conference Wrap-up and Resources


What a week! We just wrapped up AC24 in Sacramento, filled with insightful presentations, engaging workshops and tours, and incredible networking opportunities and award recognitions. It was inspiring to see so many wastewater leaders and professionals all in one place, sharing ideas and forging new paths for collaboration.

If you didn’t make it – watch the recorded AC24 sessions on the OWEN online learning platform.

During Thursday’s annual business meeting, outgoing President Chuck Greely shared his view on CWEA’s role…

Today I not only put my trust in you I put my faith in you and hope to shine even the smallest of spotlights on you. At our annual conference we are investing in you, the gate keepers of clean water, investing in your knowledge, skills, and abilities. Investing in your connections and relationships. Investing in a brighter more sustainable future for the generations to come. 

Thank you for your tireless dedication, your unwavering commitment, and your relentless pursuit of a better world. And remember, no matter how daunting the challenges may seem, you are never alone. We stand with you, we believe in you, and we trust you to lead us toward a future where clean water is a reality for all.

For together, this idea of a sustainable water future against all odds truly is a ‘Mission: Possible’!

AC24 by the Numbers

  • We united 1,614 wastewater professionals in Sacramento
  • Representing 303 agencies and companies
  • 228 speakers
  • 194 exhibitors inside the 72,000 s.f. convention center
  • 75 CWEA awards, honors, and recognitions were given out
  • $800 was donated by CWEA members to the Grant High School Drumline who performed during the Opening Session. CWEA’s Board also donated $750. Help the Drumline achieve their fundraising goal to have enough travel money for the entire band to go to New York City and DC.


AC24 Resources

  • View or download participation certificate
  • AC24 Photo gallery
  • 2023-24 CWEA Award Winners
  • AC24 Award Winners Photo Gallery
  • Recorded sessions
  • Presentation Slides
    • Access them by locating the session on the AC24 website
    • Go to > Program > Find and click on the Session you want > Click the button “Slides” next to the speaker photo (if there is no slides button, then no slides were uploaded to be made available)
    • Download speaker slides (slides are available if the speaker uploaded them, if there is no slide button the speaker has not provided the presentation)
  • Please check your email for the AC24 conference survey and take a moment to complete it. We are committed to continually improving our events.

The Winners Circles

  • Virtual Golf Tournament – sponsored by Stantec
    • Brandon was closest to the pin in virtual golf and wins $100 gift card
    • Anthony was second closest to the pin and wins $50 gift card
  • CWEA Community launch drawing

Shout-out of Thanks

We want to give a big shout to the AC24 Conference Committee, volunteer track facilitators, and the dozens of volunteers who helped make AC24 possible.

Here’s what AC24 Co-Chair Mindy Boele had to say,

I’ve been attending Annual Conferences since 2002. CWEA is like a family. We all face similar challenges, and sharing our stories with each other will help build a community that cares and supports one another. Over the years, I’ve been in leadership roles with the lab committee, both local section and at the state level, and I always feel the love and support of my fellow members.


  • Mindy Boele, City of Vacaville
  • Amy Lai, CWEA


  • Chuck Greely, CWEA President, Dudek
  • Jenn Jones, CAE, IOM,CWEA Executive Director/CEO
  • Kevin Calderwood, Educational Program Chair, HDR
  • Helen Hu, Sac Sewer
  • Ligaya Kohagura, Black & Veatch
  • Chathu Abeyrathna, Silicon Valley Clean Water
  • Mary Martis, GHD
  • Roya Yousefelahiyeh, Black and Veatch
  • Bryan Burnitt, Carollo
  • Arashdeep Singh, HDR
  • Maxwell Armenta, Brown & Caldwell
  • Jerry Barajas, City of Sunnyvale
  • Andrew Corral, ACWA JPIA
  • Roni Gehlke, R&G Promotions and Outreach
  • Kaitlin Gellerman, Black and Veatch
  • Aren Hansen, Brown & Caldwell
  • Michael Placencia, Jurupa Community Services District
  • Shannon Simmers, City of Riverside
  • Rim Stanley, RMS3 Consulting
  • Nick Steiner, Delta Diablo SD
  • Anne Sun, Hazen and Sawyer
  • Josie Tellers, City of Davis

2025 CWEA Annual Conference and Expo

April 22-25, 2025
Palm Springs Convention Center

If you’re interested in working on the 2025 Annual Conference in Palm Springs, please complete the CWEA Volunteer form.