Richie Arballo, Senior Water Systems Operator, Vallecitos Water District Tenure and certifications held: 15 years, Water Distribution Operator Grade D5, Water Treatment Operator Grade T2, Water Quality Laboratory Analyst Grade 1 Branch/years of service: USMC/ 4 years What is your role? Senior Operator, I work under the Supervisor. When the Supervisor is not available I...

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        Dale Austin, Senior Pump and Motor Technician Tenure and certifications held: 20 Years D3, T2, Mech Tech 2 Name of agency: Vallecitos Water District Branch/years of service: Army 82/85 Navy 85/90   What is your role? As a Senior pump tech, I’m responsible for all water pump and pressure stations. Sewer lift stations, Emergency generators,...

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          The California State Senate has voted to confirm Sean Maguire as a member of the State Water Resources Control Board, following his appointment by Governor Edmund G. Brown Jr. last year. “It is an honor to be confirmed by the Senate to continue serving the State of California,” Maguire said. “In my mind there is...

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            The California State Senate has voted to confirm Laurel Firestone as a member of the State Water Resources Control Board, following her appointment by Governor Gavin Newsom earlier this year. “It is an honor to be appointed by Governor Newsom and confirmed by the Senate to serve the people of California in this capacity.” Firestone said....

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              Each year the WEFTEC Program Committee selects the highest-rated abstract in the Municipal Track to receive the Martha Hahn Memorial Recognition. This award recognizes those who advance knowledge, the dissemination of information, and continual experimentation and growth. For 2018, this award went to the presentation, “Full Scale and Demonstration-Scale Primary Filtration Projects Show Great Promise.”...

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                A message from the CWEA President I am pleased to announce the opening of nominations for the following 2020 CWEA State Board of Directors’ positions: Vice President from the South (will be President in year 3 of 4-year service); Director at-large from the North (3-year term); Director at-large from the South (serves as Treasurer in...

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                  WEFTEC is the premier water quality event for students and young professionals interested in pursuing or developing a career in the water industry. Attend with your peers or professors to learn from some of the world’s foremost water experts. Explore below to learn about some of WEFTEC’s highlights for students and young professionals. Friday, September...

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                    AFFI Food & Beverage Environmental Conference (FBEC), the only conference designed for and devoted to food and beverage environmental professionals of all disciplines. The 2020 Food & Beverage Environmental Conference (FBEC) presents the 50th annual gathering of food and beverage industry environmental professionals, their environmental consultants and vendors, and the academic community to share environmental...

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                      The State Water Resources Control Board announced updated guidelines for local water agencies to follow in detecting and reporting the presence of perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA) and perfluorooctanesulfonic acid (PFOS) in drinking water.  The Board also announced it has begun the process of establishing regulatory standards for these chemicals. The updated guidelines are part of the...

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                        By Nicole Lygo Envirosight Artificial intelligence is spreading across every area of our lives, from ride-sharing apps to spam filters to smart personal assistants. In the last few years, artificial intelligence (AI) has also seeped into the wastewater industry in the form of automated defect coding. AI promises major benefits over traditional operator inspection, mostly...