WEF Releases Fact Sheet on Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Biosolids Composting

Emerging Issues, Resource Recovery

According to Patrick Dube, Biosolids Program Manager for WEF, “Looking to learn more about greenhouse gas emissions from composting? You’re in luck as our GHG Subcommittee just released an awesome fact sheet on that topic! Check it out under the biosolids tab on our publications page!”

Download the fact sheet here >

“Breakdown of Organic Matter
Composting is a waste management option that diverts organic waste from landfills while simultaneously generating a value-added product, over a time period as little as several
months or as many as several years. Compost material can be used as a fertilizer, a soil amendment, or for other beneficial uses.

Many factors affect the composting process. Controlling critical aspects such as nutrients, temperature, time, moisture content, and oxygen optimize the overall process. Carbon (C) and nitrogen (N) must be controlled for efficient composting, although small amounts of other nutrients such as phosphorus, potassium, and trace minerals (calcium, iron, boron, copper, etc.) are also required for microbial growth.”

About WEF Fact Sheets – Expert Resources Created for You

Who better to learn from than those in the field and at the plants?  WEF’s members and other credible resources have created and compiled information on several topics of interest to the water quality community.

The information is conveyed in several types of products, including:

  • Fact sheets
  • Leading Edge Updates
  • On-Demand Wastewater Library (OWWLs)
  • Operator Essentials
  • Proceeding Digests
  • Technical Reports

Technical fact sheets can be found here >

Because who better to learn from than those utilizing this knowledge everyday!

Technical Reports are produced by various WEF Committees and Task Forces and are available for download.