New Procedures for Applicants Regarding Confidentiality of Cultural Resources Reports

This is a message from the State Water Resources Control Board.
The State Water Board, Division of Financial Assistance, Senior Cultural Resources Officer wants to remind you not to reveal locations and records of Native American archaeological sites, burial sites, and sacred sites to the public if you encounter them during your project planning and implementation. Locations and records of Native American archaeological sites, burial sites, and sacred sites are protected by state law and they are exempt from the California Public Records Act (California Government Code Section 6254 [r]).
Please do not upload confidential cultural resource documents to your website or to the State Water Board Financial Assistance Applications Submittal Tool (FAAST). Instead, send cultural resources reports/documents directly to one of the four cultural resources staff listed below that work in the Division of Financial Assistance, Environmental Section.
  • Wendy Pierce, Senior Cultural Resources Officer (Senior Environmental Planner), at (916) 449-5178, or [email protected]
  • Kevin Marti, Cultural Resources Officer (Associate State Archaeologist) at (916) 341-5167 or email at [email protected]
  • Johanna Marty, Cultural Resources Officer (Associate State Archaeologist) at (916) 449-5603 or email at [email protected]
  • Will Norton, Cultural Resources (Scientific Aide), at (916) 341-5739, or [email protected]
If you have questions on how to deal with locations and records of Native American archaeological sites, burial sites, and sacred sites, please contact Wendy Pierce, Division of Financial Assistance Senior Cultural Resources Officer at (916) 449-5178 or [email protected].