CWEA is proud to introduce Los Angeles Basin Section’s 2022-2023 Board of Directors.
In what may be the section’s largest Board yet, these 11 diligent wastewater professionals are making a difference for the CWEA Los Angeles Basin Section and show a real passion for the wastewater industry.
The LABS Board is one of the largest within CWEA’s 17 Local Sections.
LS President: Jenny Tanphanich, Los Angeles County Sanitation Districts
Past President: Jennifer Thompson, Metropolitan Water District
LS Vice President: Bonnie Temple, PCL Construction, Inc.
LS Treasurer: Chris DeMonbrun, City of Los Angeles
LS Secretary: Brook Yared, Crescenta Valley Water District
Communications Director: Cody Duncan, Citadel CPM – assigned at Los Angeles County Public Works
LS Director: Teigan Gulliver, HDR Engineering, Inc.
LS Director: Todd McIntyre, Atkins North America
LS Director: Lane Pagano, Black & Veatch
LS Director: Cecile Dominguez, City of Los Angeles
Liaison: William Cassidy, Orange County Sanitation District