Meet a 5S Golden Shoveller: Steve Jepsen

Members in the News

Steve Jepsen
Southern California Alliance of POTWs
5S 2016

After I did my cycle as first director through past president with the CWEA San Diego Section, I received the treasured gold shovel and a lifetime membership to the secret society of sludge shovelers.I proudly wear my gold shovel at professional events.One of my first public appearances as the Executive Director of SCAP was a public hearing at the SWRCB in Sacramento on the proposed Enforcement Policy Updates. As I settled into the speaker’s podium, adjusted the microphone and began my introduction; I was interrupted by the Chair of the State Water Board, Felicia Marcus, she said “Oh, I see you have a gold shovel. I always wanted one of those”. Next State Board Vice Chair, Steven Moore, asked what was a gold shovel? Felicia more or less accurately described the significance of the gold shovel. The result, instant Street Cred with the State Water Board thanks to CWEA.

Select Society of Sanitary Sludge Shovelers  (5S Society) recognizes individuals active in protecting the water environment through participation in Local, State, and/or Federal sponsored activities. Nominations are being accepted through Feb. 1, 2020. Please consider nominating your peers who have or are contributing to the advancement of the wastewater profession.  This is not a self-nominating award.  Your peers count on you to recognize their achievements and nominate them. Nominate your peers today.