California Water Professionals Appreciation Week is Oct. 3-11


At CWEA, we celebrate the critical work of our members every day, but especially during the fourth annual California Water Professionals Appreciation week! On October 3-11, we will join hundreds of agencies throughout California in recognizing all you do—from keeping essential wastewater service flowing to taking action to protect California’s waterways.

Career Roundtable Webinars for New and Current Water Professionals

We’ve assembled two panels of CA water pros working on the front lines. Please share with women and/or veterans you know who might be interested in a career in the water sector.

Background Information

Water Professionals Appreciation Week was established by Senate Concurrent Resolution (SCR) 80, approved by the Legislature in 2017.

The resolution, authored by Sen. Bill Dodd (D-Napa), was sponsored by an ACWA-led coalition that included WateReuse California, California Municipal Utilities Association, California Association of Sanitation Agencies and California Water Association. The California Water Environment Association also was a partner in the effort.

Under SCR 80, Water Professionals Appreciation Week begins on the first Saturday of October and ends on the Sunday of the following weekend each year.

Please consider sharing the following content on your agency’s social media platforms.

Submit a Veterans or Women in Water Profile

Blank Social Media Templates

Use a Water Week Hashtags

  • #ThankWaterPros – new for 2020!
  • #WastewaterProud – new for 2020!
  • #EssentialWorkers – new for 2020!
  • #VeteransInWater
  • #WomenInWater
  • #WorkForWater
  • #CAWaterWeek

Social Media Artwork

Feel free to download and show some love for fellow water/wastewater professionals! To download an image(s):

  1. Click a thumbnail below to open the larger image
  2. Right-click on the image
  3. Select “Save As” to download it

If your agency is a member of ACWA, additional artwork and resources are available from their website. View ACWA’s tool kit >