Steve Rodriguez

First Place
 San Francisco Bay Section

Steve Rodriguez has dedicated his entire career to protecting public health and the environment working for Delta Diablo. His truly remarkable career is marked by achieving progressive operator certification levels, leading by example with a strong work ethic, serving as an extremely knowledgeable resource for his co-workers, and steadying Delta Diablo through challenging times. Steve has played a critical role in building Delta Diablo’s exemplary regulatory compliance record during his long tenure in the Operations Division.

Steve’s legacy extends far beyond the confines of the wastewater profession. He has inspired colleagues, mentored future leaders, and left an indelible mark on the industry. Steve has demonstrated a steadfast commitment to ensuring the highest standards of performance and environmental stewardship. His unwavering commitment to excellence serve as an inspiration to us all.


The CWEA Quarter Century Recognition Program recognizes water professionals for their commitment to improving the quality of life and the protection of the environment. CWEA Quarter Century Recognition Program honorees have dedicated their careers in a challenging and most vital profession, the water environment field. These essential professionals who have spent countless hours improving our water environment include: Operators; Collection System, Maintenance, Laboratory, and Environmental Compliance personnel; Engineers; and Administrators.

CWEA Quarter Century honorees will be presented with a certificate recognizing their achievement and a lapel pin they can proudly wear identifying them as members of this elite group of professionals.

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