One Water LA

First Place
 Los Angeles Basin Section

The City of Los Angeles has completed the One Water LA 2040 Plan. In 2013, Los Angeles Sanitation and the Los Angeles Department of Water and Power led the effort and partnered with other City departments, regional agencies, non-profits, academia, the business community, and other stakeholders. One Water LA is a collaborative approach to develop an integrated framework for managing the City’s watersheds, water resources, and water facilities in an environmentally, economically, and socially beneficial manner. Next steps include completing a Programmatic Environmental Impact Report, and deepening department, agency and stakeholder relationships through continued engagement and the formation of implementation committees and new partnerships. The City of LA has embraced a new way of thinking about its water resources and provides a bold vision for a more, integrated, resilient, and water smart City. The City is committed to working with all its partners to make the Plan’s Vision a reality.


The Community Engagement & Outreach Program of the Year recognizes significant achievements in promoting awareness and understanding of water quality issues. There are three categories: Small (Less than 5 MGD), Medium (Greater than or equal to 5 MGD and less than or equal to 20 MGD), Large (Greater than 20 MGD).

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