Casey Baughman

First Place
 Santa Clara Valley Section

Casey had decades of experience as a mechanic prior to coming on board with the District in 2019 as Fleet Mechanic II. The District is very fortunate to have Casey with his broad knowledge and experience. Although an excellent fleet mechanic for all light to heavy construction equipment, he is equally as amazing at inspection, testing, troubleshooting, and repair of all wastewater equipment, performing electrical and electronic repairs, and performing all forms of welding. Although Casey’s primary responsibility is maintaining the District fleet, he also provides support on cleaning crew assignments and on-call assistance as a CWEA CSM Grade 1 Collection Worker.

As talented as Casey is, he will be the first to tell you that these projects he completed are the result of the collective input and effort by the Operations staff. He will only take credit for being able to put everyone else’s ideas into fruition.


The Gimmicks & Gadgets award recognizes innovation and creativity in developing solutions to performing routine tasks or functions in maintenance, operations or construction of wastewater collection systems.

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