Recorded Webinar: Sewer Lateral Management Strategies

Collection Systems, Members in the News, Technology and Innovation

Coverage of asset management topics is supported by MentorAPM

November 14th, 2018

Uncovering Sewer Laterals: How to Optimize Your Lateral Strategy
Managing sewer laterals is challenging. Learn about the “Lateral Strategy Toolbox”, hear agency stories about success and challenges, and find ways to maximize the benefits of improving laterals – while balancing the impacts to your agency’s resources and your ratepayers.
Speaker: Lani Good is a professional civil engineer with 17 years of experience in wastewater. She specializes in asset and utility management, including wastewater master planning, risk mitigation, program management, I/I reduction, and collection system compliance.
Meeting Regulations Through Reduction of Infiltration & Inflow
Having to meet continued reductions in discharge limits, the Ojai Valley Sanitary District focused on reductions of I&I. In order to assess option, the District initiated a pilot program. Once the program was completed, the District implemented an I&I reduction plan.
Speaker: Travis Fisher is an Inspector with the Ojai Valley Sanitary District. Travis holds a Bachelor’s degree from Antioch University, Santa Barbara, an Associates Degree from Diablo Valley College, CWEA Collections System Maintenance Grade 3 and served four years in the U.S. Navy.
Hosted by: Daryl Lauer, Chair, Collection Systems Committee, Carmel Area Wastewater District