Photos from SFEI’s CWA at 50 retrospective magazine, clockwise – Bay Bridge in 1968 and 2022, marshland photos by Shira Bezalel, August 2022 and Belinda Rains, 1972, from USEPA’s Documerica Project.
Just in time for the Clean Water Act at 50 celebration, the San Francisco Estuary Institute (SFEI), on behalf of the Regional Monitoring Program for Water Quality in San Francisco Bay, has released an in-depth retrospective on clean water regulations, strategies, studies and achievements within the Bay Area.
Program Director, Dr. Jay Davis, notes in the introduction to the issue…
While there are many CWA successes to be celebrated and much progress has been made, the damage being wrought by the current Bay-wide algal bloom is a grim reminder that we have not fully met the goals set in the CWA… The Bay is only partially fishable, not fully swimmable, and not fully safe for aquatic life. Many contaminants have remained on the 303(d) List since the 1990s, and some of those of greatest concern won’t be de-listed anytime soon.
SFEI is one of California’s premier aquatic and ecosystem science institutes. Their mission is to provide scientific support and tools for decision-making and communication through collaborative efforts. We provide independent science to assess and improve the health of the waters, wetlands, wildlife and landscapes of San Francisco Bay, the California Delta and beyond.
Learn more about SFEI on their website, as well as their Regional Monitoring Program.
Source: SFEI. 2022. The Pulse of the Bay: 50 Years After the Clean Water Act. SFEI Contribution #1095. San Francisco Estuary Institute, Richmond, CA.