Proposed Statewide Sanitary Sewer Systems Order Reissuance

Collection Systems, Wastewater News

Upcoming events: CWEA’s annual WDR training workshops will be held in May. Workshops will be held in San Ramon (May 8th); San Luis Obispo (May 15th); and Los Angeles (May 22nd). 

One of the most talked-about topics is the update to the Statewide Sanitary Sewer Systems General Order.  The State Water Board is holding five public stakeholder outreach workshops to discuss the proposed revisions.

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that State Water Resources Control Board (State Water Board) staff will hold five public stakeholder outreach workshops to discuss proposed revisions to the existing Statewide Sanitary Sewer Systems General Order1. Workshop participants will have the opportunity to provide input directed to State Water Board staff. The workshops listed above are informal staff-level stakeholder events, conducted in multiple locations to allow for maximum attendance. The agenda and information presented by State Water Board staff will be the same for all workshops; if a quorum of the State Water Board is present, no formal action will be taken.

The above workshops are not educational training events, do not provide education credits, and do not provide the educational content as other specialty workshops offered by the California Water Environment Association and other professional organizations.


In 2006, the State Water Board adopted the existing Statewide Sanitary Sewer System Order. Through this General Order, the State Water Board began regulating the management of publicly-owned sanitary sewer systems over one mile in length. The existing Order sets forth requirements for: (1) monitoring and reporting of spills, (2) preparation and implementation of system-specific Sanitary Sewer System Management Plans, and (3) local internal audits. As of December 2018, approximately 100,000 miles of sewer system pipelines from 1099 public systems are regulated under the Order.


State Water Board staff are proposing to update the statewide regulatory requirements based on analysis of the past 13 years of reported data and corresponding enforcement activity. The purpose of the workshops is to obtain public input regarding proposed revisions to the existing Sanitary Sewer Systems Order. Topics of proposed revisions include:

  • Regulation of larger private collection systems;
  • System-specific requirements to address climate change, and system resiliency;
  • Regulatory incentives for good compliance record; and
  • A clarified enforcement process.

Find out more info on the workshops