P3S Facility of the Year Applications are Open


The P3S Committee is currently accepting nominations for the 2024 Facility of the Year (FOTY) Awards.  The FOTY Awards are presented annually to large and small industries across California for their outstanding and innovative solutions in wastewater treatment, stormwater management, pollution prevention, and/or waste minimization.

This is an excellent opportunity to recognize industrial users in your service area for their dedication to environmental protection.  We welcome nominations of all industry types, regardless of size, operation, or categorical status.  Beyond the typical pretreatment operations, we also encourage nominations for stormwater treatment measures, rain/storm water recycling, stormwater trash capture, stormwater pollutant minimization, direct trash discharge control, etc.

Nominations are due by Friday, November 15, 2024 and may be submitted using the attached nomination package or online through the CWEA Awards Website: awards.cwea.org.

CWEA will also be holding a nominator prize drawing at the P3S Annual Conference Awards Luncheon to award two nominators each from the North and South as a thanks for your participation in the CWEA P3S FOTY Awards program.

For more information on the Facility of the Year Awards, please visit the P3S Awards Website: p3s.cwea.org.  If you have any questions on the nomination process, please feel free to contact Casey Fitzgerald for the North and Steve Sealy for the South.