As a member of CWEA, you are invited to attend CWEA’s Annual Business Meeting and vote on the incoming CWEA Slate of Officers. This year, the voting session will occur April 12 at 11:00 AM—11:30 AM before the Awards Luncheon at CWEA’s Annual Conference. You do not have to register for the Annual Conference to attend the Annual Business Meeting; however, you need to notify staff at the conference registration desk if you wish to attend that portion without registering for the conference or the lunch. Be there promptly at 11:00 AM to exercise your vote. If you can’t attend, submit a proxy by March 22nd*.
On the Annual Business Meeting Agenda:
President’s Report Election of Board Directors & Officers (Slate of Nominees listed below):
For more information on nominees, go to:
This proxy allows you to grant another member in attendance the right to vote on your behalf. Proxy forms can be found here: