Awards are given at the Local Section level first; recipients then advance to the State competition.
*NEW THIS YEAR: Shorter forms for Collection System Maintenance of the Year and Safety Plant of the Year for the first round (Local Section round) have been created. The winners in the Local Section will be given access to complete the application for the state in time for the state deadline.
July 1 – Awards program goes live at
November 2 – Final local section winners are due to CWEA. Local Sections will need to decide on the winners of their awards by this date.
January 15 – Section winners are sent to committees for state review.
February 26 – All state winners (from committees) due to CWEA.
March 1-5 – CWEA Membership and External Relations Committee (MER) approves winners; winners are notified; plaques are ordered; AC materials finalized. Nominees will be notified by email by the MER chair and invited to attend the Annual Conference at the early bird rate.
April 19 (TBD) – Award plaques delivered to conference site
Friday at the Annual Conference—Most CWEA State first place awards are given at the Friday luncheon of the Annual Conference. All winners are also recognized at the committee breakfast/lunch scheduled during Annual Conference week.
Mark your calendars with your Local Section deadlines and help get the word out!
Local section nominations will only be accepted online via
Log in using your account information and get started today!