Silver Cover History
Silver Cover History
The award was first presented in 1987 by the Industrial and Hazardous Waste Committee, the forerunner of the now-titled Pretreatment, Pollution Prevention and Stormwater Committee. Induction into the Order of the Silver Cover is for life and no Committee member once inducted is thereafter eligible for re-induction.
P3S Committee
The Pretreatment, Pollution Prevention, and Stormwater Committee (P3S) is a Standing Committee of the California Water Environment Association (CWEA), hereinafter referred to as the Association, Board of Governors. The Committee was created to promote professional and technical excellence in the field of water pollution source control, including pretreatment, pollution prevention, and stormwater, through education and training.

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How are Silver Cover members selected?
How are Silver Cover members selected?
Each year the Silver Cover selection sub-committee evaluates individuals as may be nominated by each of the sub-committee members. Induction of nominees occurs if any are deemed by majority vote of the sub-committee to fully meet the standards for induction. The award is presented in very small numbers, usually 2 or less per year.
