
The Mechanical Technician Person of the Year Award recognizes outstanding performance, dedication to the job, and for sharing knowledge of maintenance procedures.


This application is an online form. When complete be sure to click "Save and Finalize" so the application is fully submitted. If you need to come back to the application at a later time to complete, click "Save" and all details will be saved in your account.


  • Must be a CWEA member

  • Must not be in a management position

  • Nominee holds a CWEA Mechanical Technology Certification

  • Application data must be from your agency's prior fiscal year

When application is complete be sure to click "Save and Finalize" so the application is fully submitted to your section.



For most CWEA awards, you must apply at your Local Section level first. Direct your questions to the Local Section Awards Chair. If you need additional assistance, contact Megan Barillo at [email protected].